How to Redo Your Home Garage for Optimal Use

If you have space in your garage for more things other than your vehicle, then there is a high chance that it will become a dumpster at some point. Anything which you cannot find space in your house for, it will most likely be thrown somewhere in the garage until someone actually needs it. Therefore, every time you want to work on your car or find something in there, it’s difficult to do so. However, what everyone wants for their garages is to have them organised and the space fully optimized. No one feels comfortable doing anything in an environment which is too chaotic and cluttered.

Garage for Optimal Use

That is why here at House Sales Direct, we have gathered some useful ways for you to fully maximize the space in your garage for an optimal experience. You could make use of the walls or get storage solutions, but the important part is that you feel at ease in the space and comfortable to work on any projects you want without things falling off on your head.

1. Have a Clean Out

Decluttering the garage may be the most important step in getting it organised and ready for use. These clean-out sessions are recommended at least once a year so that you get rid of any unnecessary items or those that you don’t frequently find a good use for. Not only is this going to be like a cleanse butmaking space for anything new or alternatively giving you more free space to wander around and work on projects. Clearing out the floor will ensure that and once you start doing that, you will ultimately organise everything else as well. All in all, a good clean out is always a good idea.

2. Accessible Storage Boxes

If you don’t already have a storage solution which is easily accessible, then you must get one. We would suggest purchasing transparent boxes or ones with handles, easy to open tops and overall boxes which are convenient for you and your space.

However, if you don’t use your garage for working on your car but a large part of it is for storing house possessions, then you may want to opt for cabinets. They can conceive any unpleasant items or anything you wish to stay hidden behind closed doors.

3. Use Wall Space Smartly

Garages are not known for having loads of space which is why everyone is trying their best to make the most out of it and organise it in a way that you can walk around it freely. Firstly, you can use magnetic wall strips to attach your most used tools to the walls for easy access. Having these at an arm’s length will be beneficial to you if you are working on your car and need to quickly grab a screwdriver for example.

Another use of the walls is by placing hooks. Once again, these can be used for anything you believe is useful to you and you need to have closer to you. Loose items which normally don’t fit anywhere can be a good thing to hang on hooks. A more uncommon use of hooks is to hang bicycles. That saves you a lot of flooring space and you will be able to sense the difference from having it on the wall and how much more it opens up the room.

A pro tip is having additional shelves or tall cabinets which are using the full length of the whole wall. There is always a space not being used above the cabinets and that is a massive loss.

4. Foldable Workbench

Space saving solutions are getting more common by the day so your garage space could use some of those as well. For example, a foldable workbench could save you loads of floor space and give you the freedom to walk around your garage without having to jump over boxes and barely squeeze in. What’s more, you don’t always need your workbench, so it’s only fair that you invest in one that folds.

These small upgrades and organizational tips will certainly help you redo your garage space and turn it into one which you can fully optimise and make better use of. Don’t forget that you have to make it comfortable to you, not anyone else. Whatever works for you, may not for someone else.

This article was written by a quick house sale company We Buy Any House. We buy any home, in any condition and in a timeframe that suits you.Head to the We Buy Any House website for more information relating to all property related enquiries.

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