How to maintain your property during Winter

As we approach the winter season, we will need to pay extra attention to maintaining property. We often see how people struggle and end up with costly repair bills as they don’t pay enough attention to these challenges. To help you stay away from such problems, we thought of sharing some useful tips on how to maintain your property during winter. Just pay attention to these tips and you will be able to take good care of your property.

property during Winter

  • Take a look at drainage and gutter

During winter season, you will have to deal with more rainfall. This is why you need to make sure that your drainage and gutters function correctly. This will help you to save a considerable amount of money in the long run. For example, a clogged gutter can often overflow and damage. This would put unwanted strain on your roof. On the other hand, your gutters can be filled with ice, which can cause further damage to the roof. You may flush the gutters and make sure that there isn’t anything clogging them. Similarly, you will also need to pay attention to your drainage system as well.

  • Inspect gas appliances

Inspecting gas appliances during the winter season is a must as well. If your gas heater is not maintained properly, it can cause gas leaks. By ensuring that all gas appliances work correctly, you will be able to ensure the safety of you as well as your loved family members.

  • Get the clothes dryer filter cleaned

You will find yourself using the clothes dryer more often during winter season. To ensure proper functionality of it, you will need to get the filter of your clothes dryer cleaned. If not, you might even end up with a fire hazard. During the cleaning process, you will need to pay attention towards removing all sorts of built-up lint from your dryer. This will not just help you to improve the drying time. It can also assist you to save money on utility bills.

  • Weatherproof all exterior pipes

Cold weather can cause a lot of problems with exterior pipes you have at home as well. This is why you will need to go ahead and weatherproof all exterior pipes that you can find at home. Otherwise, the frozen pipes will crack. Such an instance would eventually release lots of water.

You can take a walk around your property and see whether all the exterior pipes are properly sealed for winter season. You can weatherproof them with the help of an insulating tape. However, it is also better if you can get the assistance of a specialist to get the job done perfectly well.

  • Seal all your windows and doors

You need to make sure that your house is energy efficient during winter. This is why you will need to seal all the windows and doors at your home. In fact, windows and doors are responsible for leaking hot air inside your house to the outside and taking in cold air. This will put unwanted strain on your heating system. When the heating system works hard, you will end up with getting a bigger energy bill. To ensure it doesn’t happen, you will need to properly seal all the windows and doors that you have at home.

You can properly inspect and see whether there are any gaps. In case if you come across any gaps, you should use a caulking product to seal.

  • Clean the ducted heating vents

Pet hair, debris, and dust can cause damages to the ducted heating vents. This is why you will need to get it cleaned before winter. This will help you to minimize the risk of encountering a fire hazard. It can also reduce the likelihood of circulating allergies around your house.

It will not be possible for you to clean the ducted heating vents on your own. This is why you will need to get the help of a professional.

  • Be ready to face winter storms

Winter will not just throw frost and rain, but also snow on your way. That’s where you need to make sure that your property is ready to face winter storms. It is better if you can get a backup generator. Or else, you can at least get some candles, backup batteries, and torches. Then you can stay away from trouble during a blackout.

If you are expecting a heavy snowfall, you need to take a look at the trees in your garden as well. Buildup of snow on top of trees can lead them to collapse. Hence, you need to make sure that there are healthy trees around your house. You will also be able to keep a broom, which you can use to remove snow from tree branches regularly. To be on the safe side, you can go ahead and trim your trees before winter.

  • Take a look at the flues and chimneys

Does your property have a fireplace or a wood heater? Then you should take a look at the flue or chimney. If there are cracks or gaps, you will end up with a fire risk at home. You must also make sure that there aren’t any tree branches overhanging the chimney. You may also focus on the buildup of residue within your chimney. There are specialists who can help you with chimney inspections.

  • Ensure that your smoke alarm is working

Last but not least, you need to ensure that the smoke alarm at your home is working properly. There can be dust and cobwebs on your smoke alarm. If you can see them, you should take a brush and gently clean them. You may also spray an insect surface spray on the unit, so that you can keep insects away from nesting on the smoke alarm.

Final words

These simple tips will help you  to prepare your property for winter. Just spend your time to work on them, and you will not have to face any major issues with your property throughout winter.

This article was written by a quick house sale company We Buy Any Home. If you’re wondering “how can sell my house fast”, head to the We Buy Any House website for more information relating to all property related enquiries.

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