How Do You Keep Wasps Away from a Swimming Pool?

Are you dealing with yellow-striped wasps in your pool? These pests can be irritating and contaminate the water. Summer insects and pests often gather around spas and pools. Many people focus on pool cleaning to keep their pools algae-free, but managing wasps is usually forgotten.

Swimming Pool

Why Are Wasps Attracted to Pools?

Wasps try to escape the summer heat, and swimming pools are a favorite spot to cool off and collect water to bring back to their hive. The allure of water is vital for them. The smells from pool chemicals, patio plants, and poolside furniture can attract or deter these pests. So, what can you do to reduce their presence?

Ways to Keep Wasps Away From Your Pool

  1. Replant Attractive Flowers and Plants Elsewhere: Brightly colored flowers and plants attract bees and wasps. Wasps prefer purple, white, and blue, but not red. They love fennel plants, marigolds, and goldenrods. Replanting these far away from your pool can help you enjoy your water activities without interruption.
  2. Use Plants That Repel Wasps: Some plants, like eucalyptus and wormwood, can deter wasps from hovering around your pool. Many of these plants also repel mosquitoes.
  3. Remove Food Sources: Wasps are instantly attracted to sugary drinks and food leftovers. To keep them away, keep food, drinks, and sweet substances out of sight. Clean up spills and messes immediately. If you eat and drink near the pool, remove any food or garbage to avoid attracting wasps.
  4. Set Up Commercial Wasp Traps: Commercial wasp traps are designed to lure and trap wasps. These can be placed near pool areas to prevent wasps from settling on the surface of the water and the surrounding area.
  5. Create Another Water Source: Build a birdbath or fountain near plants to divert wasps away from the pool. Wasps prefer murky water, so keep your pools clear and clean.

This post was written by a professional at Clear Tech Pools. Clear Tech Pools is expert in Pool Remodeling in Clearwater FL. Our company was founded by local residents on the principles of hard work, exceptional customer service, and a focused attitude. It is these qualities, along with our outstanding performance, that keep our customers satisfied. We have built, renovated, and serviced thousands of pools in the area, and we have a long list of references available for all of our services upon request. Our staff of professional technicians have extensive training for fast and efficient service. We maintain our excellent reputation for quality by maintaining friendly relationships with our customers.

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